Feb. 15, 2023

Is POLICE CULTURE the problem? Dr. Frank Tortorello (Cultural Anthrpologist) shares his insights

Is POLICE CULTURE the problem? Dr. Frank Tortorello (Cultural Anthrpologist) shares his insights

In this episode, I continue my post-Memphis series with Dr. Frank Tortorello.  Dr. Tortorello is a trained and educated cultural anthropologist, author, researcher, and strategist.  Dr. Tortorello has a number of articles and his book can be...

In this episode, I continue my post-Memphis series with Dr. Frank Tortorello.  Dr. Tortorello is a trained and educated cultural anthropologist, author, researcher, and strategist.  Dr. Tortorello has a number of articles and his book can be found here https://read.amazon.com/kp/embed?asin=B08N6R8F44&preview=newtab&linkCode=kpe&ref_=cm_sw_r_kb_dp_P81GM772XRDZAXDCP72P


Is it police culture or personal choice?  Is it individual values or organizational pressures?

Hear what Frank has to say - it's amazing!

New to Policing In America Podcast?

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